'Golden Fish' A3 Print
This is a Print on linen paper of my Artwork "Golden Fish"
It is heavily inspired by the tibetan auspicious symbol of the two golden fish.
The symbol of fish are very present in asian cultures.
This auspicious symbol occurs from pre-Buddhist times, where it represented the two main rivers of india, Ganges and Yamuna.
Now, in Buddhism, these fish are symbols of happiness, as they have complete freedom in water. They also represent fertility and abundance, for their rapid multiplying.
The chinese term "yu" stands for "fish" as well as for "great wealth" These two fish are represented as carps, since these are commonly regarded as sacred in the orient, due to their elegant beauty, their size and their lifespan.
But even in christianity, the fish is found as a symbol. Christ being "the fisher of men" and also the fish being one ingredient of the last supper.
Here the two golden fish are represented touching each others nose which also represents the form of the female sexual organ, so we see a lot of female energy in this one.
On the bottom we find an endless knot.